Mohamad Sabu, commonly known as Mat Sabu, is a Malaysian politician, currently serving as the Deputy President of the opposition Pan-Malaysian Islamic Party. He was elected to the post in 2011, running on a moderate platform against the conservative incumbent Nasharudin Mat Isa. He had previously served as one of the party's vice-presidents.[1] He was the first non-alim elected to the party's leadership or deputy leadership in over 25 years.[2]
Mat Sabu is known for his public speaking abilities.[2] He has twice been detained under Malaysia's Internal Security Act.[3]
On 21 August 2011 during a speech in Gelugor, Penang, Mohamad Sabu delivered a controversial statement by saying that it was Muhammad Indera and the 200 Malayan Communist Party (CPM) soldiers during the 1950 Bukit Kepong Incident who deserved to be claimed as "national heroes" and not the police officers who fought to their deaths defending the Bukit Kepong police station, claiming that all police officers during the massacre as the "British officers" and the PKM soldiers are "true national heroes" as they "fought the British".[4] The speech, which video had been widely circulated in YouTube, had caused a major uproar throughout Malaysia, as the statement was regarded as an insult to the family members of the deceased victims,[5] as well as other national heroes not affiliated with the PKM such as the late Tunku Abdul Rahman and Dato' Onn Jaafar.[6]
On 30 August 2011, Karpal Singh, MP of Bukit Gelugor responded saying that the 25 policemen were true nationalists and that Mat Sabu's statements were ill-advised. [7].
However, the Pan-Malaysian Islamic Party (PAS) denied all the allegations and defended Mohamad Sabu's statement and claims.[8]